Dealing With A Difficult Maid?

You may have chosen a maid after 20 to 30 interviews and sifting 100 biodata, yet you may have ended up with a maid who is tough to manage.

When you hire a maid for the first time, make sure that you do a background check on them and find out whether they have any criminal record or if they were previously employed by other households before yours to see what kind of work ethics and service standards they had at those previous workplaces as well as their overall character traits like punctuality, honesty etc.

Even with dependable maids recruited through Singapore domestic assistant services, some can be troublesome. Your maid’s abrupt outburst may cause you anxiety. Managing a demanding maid, even if you are paying her, is not an easy assignment.

There are a few domestic workers that are easily irritated and have poor coping skills. Remember that your maid is also a human being. Rather than becoming enraged or terminating her, attempt to come up with a solution.

There are times when she may become irritated due to frustration. For instance, if a jar refuses to open, she may grow enraged and strike out. Clenching her fists, yelling, or even hurling items or slamming her fists on something are some of her rage reactions. These occurrences may be uncommon, but they are concerning and require attention.

Even if it wasn’t their fault, they might vent their rage onto someone nearby. This can also put your children in danger. This will cause your relationship with your maid to deteriorate, and it won’t be long until you dismiss her. It is possible to prevent these scenarios.

Instead of becoming defensive or yelling at your maid when she becomes enraged, try to reply calmly. Pay attention to her and refrain from making snide remarks that would irritate her further. When you’ve dealt with a scenario like this, tell her that her conduct isn’t appropriate. Give her a polite warning so that her behavior does not become a habit.

What Techniques Can You Try to Resolve Things Peacefully And Have A Better Relationship With Your Maid?

It is imperative to try out some techniques so that your relationship with the maid is not disturbed to save yourself from such inconveniences.

Do not pay the bare minimum

If your domestic worker is not being paid well, she is likely to be in a terrible mood. With a foul mood, she is more likely to get frustrated on minor issues. Try to pay her well. If it’s possible, then give her a raise yearly too. After all, she looks after your house and makes your life easier.

Speak with her on your own.

You don’t need to know how to counsel people. All you must do is listen carefully. Talk to her about her conduct in a nice manner, and things will likely change for the better. It will make her more aware, and your courteous approach may influence her as well. Inquire about any other issues she may be experiencing, since this might be the source of her unwarranted rage.

Try not to get into a fight with her over it, if possible; that’s only going to cause more problems!

Don’t impose too many limitations.

Treat your maid as if she were a member of your family. Allow her some alone time as well, so that her mood improves, and she remains content. For example, you can let her out for a walk at the park. You must also ensure that this independence is not excessive, as this might lead to problems.

Treat your maid as if she were a member of your family. Allow her some alone time as well, so that her mood improves, and she remains content. For example, you can let her out for a walk at the park. You must also ensure that this independence is not excessive, as this might lead to problems.

Don’t criticize her every action or word that goes against what you want from her, even though it may be a difficult concept to comprehend!

If you are upset with her, do not show it in front of others; otherwise, she will feel embarrassed and think that she has done something wrong, which could cause further complications in her life

It is critical to strike a balance between work and relaxation, particularly for women who work.

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